Warden Family
Aug 13, 2010
Pre-Posts Post
Okay, I finally updated the blog. It is SUPER long with spring, summer and .... Autumn! (I know, I know bad joke ;)) These posts are not super detailed and NOT edited. I am only 2 1/2 weeks post being a mommy of three, and this is the best I've got right now. Love you all and I hope you enjoy!
What we've all been waiting for!
Autumn is here! On July 28th Autumn Rebecca Warden was born at 6 pounds 7.4 ounces, and she came in a hurry! We barely made it to the hospital, got on the table and 11 minutes later (without the doctor there yet), the nurse delivered her. It was crazy! But I wish all my babies were born that fast! She is a wonderful baby! The two older children LOVE her. Jacob is still a bit... rough at times but is getting much better. Aspen is in heaven, and thinks she has a real-life doll. The first day we had her home, Aspen kept asking if we could put a different outfit on her (after bringing down several for her to "try on." The transition is very emotional (kids having fits at weird times etc.) but going much smoother than I thought it would. I think a lot of it is due to having a great recovery (prob from fast labor), having a SUPERB husband who is going above and beyond to help out in ways I didn't even imagine (while going to med school!), and having great freinds around who brought numerous meals that first week. I feel very loved and blessed right now. :)

Spring/Summer 2010
Most of the trip to Utah was spent outdoors and in the mountains. This trip turned out to be exactly what we were hoping it would be. This set of pictures is a day we spent at Huntington Creek. There really is nothing like being with your family at a beautiful place like that. It was like we were all in our elements and life that is usually crazy was balanced and perfect. :) I can't wait to live by mountains again! *I think most of these pictures were taken by Frances Warden. She is an awesome photographer and mother-in-law ;)

Spring/Summer 2010
A couple more things that were great about our trip to Utah: 1. LOTS of much needed time with grandma and cousins! 2. Each of the kids got an "alone day" with each of their parents. Here is a picture of Jacob and I on our alone date getting icecream! (Daddy did really cool stuff like backpacking with them... hey I was 8-months prego :) Icecream is good too!)
Aug 9, 2010
Colorado and Arches
This year, on our way back to Utah, we decided to take the long route through Colorado. It was stunning! I would definitely live in Colorado if given the chance! The route also took us close to the Arches National Park, so we decided to stop and see that. This whole "vacation before our vacation" was so much fun. I really do think I have the best family on the planet! oh- and there is this picture of a yellow-boat thingy.. It was run-off on the Colorado River. The water was crazy high and these guys were taking this boat-craft thing down the river. It was really neat to watch! For all my rafting friends out there, the guys said the water was at least a level 5 but mostly higher and un-raftable... unless you had one of those cool boats.

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