Sorry about the lack of bird pics. There were some really amazing birds there but they were mostly in cages, and I do not have a good camera, so they came out bad. This was the latest Family Day, and it was well worth the drive, especially doing it after picnicking at Liberty Park (which is gorgeous). Not only are the birds just beautiful and cool looking, but with it being spring, everything is in bloom, so the landscaping is worth seeing by itself. Yeah for Spring!
This trip was a lot of fun. Michael and I got up at 3:30 am (kids stayed with grandma), and we drove a couple hours to a lake (on the way, we saw many herds of Elk!). I hooked onto a very large fish, but it got off.... Although it was very pretty, it was pretty harsh conditions with very cold, windy weather. I spent most of the time being the fishing rod caddie (as casting in those conditions was only for the very experienced) and loving all the talking time with the love of my life! The pictures may be a bit confusing though... we actually started at the lake, then went to a river, and ended at a small spot at a reservoir on the way home that the ice was melting off. It was really beautiful!
Our new director at the Spa at Homestead took us all out for a fabulous day of snowshoeing. It was really fun, really beautiful, and the people I work with are awesome!
Old McDonald had a farm EI-EI-O! This was a blast! And yes that is Aspen and I milking a cow! We did this on the same day we went to the children's museum (it was a big day). The animals were great! Spring is here and at Wheeler Farm that means lots and lots of babies! We saw baby cows, pigs, horses, goats (that was the cutest to me), bunnies, and of course ducks and geese. (watch out for the geese there. They are mean bullies!) Jacob was having a stand off with a rooster, the whole time saying "Nice birdie..."
This was such an awesome trip for us! If you have not gone to this place (and have kiddles), you should go! I could have kept going with the pictures, but I thought you all would get bored. There is soooo much to do there, you could spend all day! Well worth the time and the money.
It has been a really long time since that fishing trip was posted! Here is a great synopsis of what Christmas was like for us. It was sooo much fun. Jacob, being the inquisitive little fellow that he is, was barricaded from sections of the house for Christmas (i.e., the pantry), but that did not stop him. Duh, Mom, I can just push it! One of Aspen's favorite parts was helping grandma peel and core the apples, and Jacob formed a very strong attachment to a blanket of grandmas. He would just curl up with it on the floor and play with the fringes. It was very cute.