I can't believe these pictures are already 6-weeks old! We are so excited for the newest member of our family to come. At the ultrasound she was SUPER modest, so if Autumn turns out to be Johnathon, don't be surprised :). We thought the kids were old enough that they would like to come to the ultrasound. In the car on the way (after explaining to them that we were going to the doctor and the doctor was going to tell us if it was a boy or a girl) Jacob said, "Are they going to put the baby back in after they tell us?" After further discussion we found out that our sweet little kiddles thought they were going to witness the doctor take the baby out of my stomach, check if it was a baby boy or girl, and put it back in! (so glad that is not what happens:) ) Such sweet hearts my kids are!
Oh- and Jacob says the baby's name will be Wall-e, and Aspen always calls the baby Fall instead of Autumn... Good thing we have a few more months ;).