Here are some of Jacob's cute moments. As I went through his I realized that I didn't have as many as with Aspen. This made me a little bit sad and disappointed in myself. Jacob is very bright and a lot of fun to be around, so why wasn't I there to notice the cute sayings in his life? I realized a couple of things while thinking about this: 1. I had a lot of "alone time" with Aspen as Jacob took his naps, and this was when a lot of her funniest moments came out. 2. I need to make more time for "alone time" with Jacob as he continually wants to play with his sister and rarely asks for me. New goal... make more time for Jacob and I. I love you so much little man!
May 26, 2009-
Jacob called is belly button, his “belly buddy” today. :)
Sunday August 15.
“If pirates smoke, they will go to timeout.” Aww if all life’s negative consequences were timeouts. :)
Sunday August 30, 2009.
Susan is explaining to Jacob about going to a state park. Jacob says, I want to see an animal. Mommy says, I bet there will be chipmunks, or squirrels, Jacob interrupts, “or tigers!”
November 19, 2009.
We baked cookies today and after Jacob had two and I told him no more, this is what he said while standing over the tray of cookies. J: “Can I smell the cookies?” M: “Um sure.” He leans over and smells them on the pan. J: “Can I smell a cookie in my hand?” M: giggle “No you can’t.” J: last attempt “can I just have a little piece of a cookie?” M: “ No way little guy.” With a kiss and little tickle he was lifted off the chair he was standing on and successfully distracted. Love him!
November 24, 2009
Jacob woke up way too early today. (Coughing/hearing daddy leaving for school) He came in my bed with me to “cuddow” and rest for just few minutes before the inevitable “I want lunch now” (he calls breakfast lunch). Jacob randomly got up and closed the bathroom door, and as he came back to bed he said “I just closed the door.... It was freakin’ me out!” then laid with me and cuddowed. :)
Your kids are so cute!
Ohhh! I miss you guys so much! Thanks for posting these sweet things here for us to share. Give your kiddles a hug and kiss from Aunt Becca and Uncle Dave
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