We try to write down some of the funny things our kids say. I was recently rereading them and thought I just HAD to put some on the blog. So here ya go. (A post of Jacob's funniest to follow)
August, 2008.
Aspen had a friend she was playing with outside. When I told Aspen to come into the house, her friend followed her. I explained to her friend that she needed to go home and ask her dad before she could come inside. The first never came back. Aspen inquired why her dad might not let her play with us? I said, “Well, her dad doesn’t know us. How does he know we will be good to her? How does he know he can trust us? How does he know we will not be mean to her.” She responded, as though this was a ridiculous question, “Because we're not pirates!”
September 23, 2008
“Mommy, it is nice to have someone with you when you are alone, isn’t it?” And she smiles at me as we make stew together while Jacob is napping.
“Mommy, if you let me take these carrots into my room, I will let you....it’s the thing you’ve always wanted...I will let you not clean or work EVER again. I will do all the cleaning (with a big smile).” Aspen is not allowed to have snacks in her room before bed because of the mess on the sheets etc. She is quite the bargainer. It did not work though. WHAT A QT!
November 9, 2008.
“I am gonna tell you what dough (bread dough) tastes like... water. Okay. It tastes just like dough... and a little bit like water.”
November 11,2008
I overheard (okay I listened for a second) Aspen’s personal prayer tonight after I put her down.
“Dear Heavenly father, I am so sad that Jacob is sick. I hope he gets better, and I hope I don’t get sick...” The rest I could not hear. Oh so cute.
November 29, 2008
Aspen was trying to make a deal with me about her watching a movie. I was reading, and I didn't hear her, so I said, “okay Aspen, will you repeat that.” She said, “What does repeat mean?” I said, “oh, say it again.” She paused for a second then said, “What does repeat mean?”
January 29, 2009
“Guess what, I know that Jacob isn’t a vampire, because vampire’s drink blood.” Dad, “And Jacob doesn’t Do that.” Aspen, “No, Jacob just drinks water.”
April, 2009.
Aspen, explaining to me that she is hungry says she wants some ham. She says, “Dad, I really want some ham. I could eat a whole lot of ham. I could eat a whole pig!”
April 11, 2009.
“I was explaining to Aspen how proud I was of her. She has been doing a great job of taking care of Jacob in various ways (holding his hand while he crosses the street, encouraging him when he is afraid to go down a slide). So I was telling her how proud I was of her and she turns to me and says, “so, do I get a treat,” and I say, very cleverly, “no, you just get my love”, and she pauses, and says a moment later, “that’s a treat!.”
April 16, 2009.
Aspen and Jacob were watching home videos on the computer. Aspen turned around to look at me and said “Mom I wish I could go into that video (it was one of her as a baby).” I said “I know that would be fun wouldn’t it.” Aspen eyes got big and bright and in a pleading tone she asked, “Mom can I please?!” I said “Can you please what?” “Can I please go into the video.” I smiled and said, “ How are you going to do that?” Aspen replied, “Just break the glass... Please mom can I?”
I was putting Aspen to bed tonight and right before we were to sing songs she winks at me. I said “Wow, I didn’t know you could wink!” Aspen said “what?” not knowing that she had done something cool, and she did it again. I said, “Yes that is winking.” She looked at me with those gorgeous bright eyes and wanting to impress me again she said, “Look! I can wink with both eyes!” And then she proceeded to blink her eyes and looked at me in anticipation of my awe. What a QT!
Aspen asked me (mom) what conceited meant. I told her it meant that you think you are better than other people. Aspen responded later that evening with “Mom, I am just a little conceited.”
Aspen is really struggling to fall asleep. I went up to see if I could help. Here is our conversation.
A: I just can’t fall asleep. I tried reading books and my body just won’t go to sleep.
M: Aspen you just need to try and trick your body into thinking it is tired. Just lay down and relax.
Earnestly and seriously, Aspen replies : “I did try to trick it," and with a slight whisper she says, "but I think my body knows I am trying to trick it!”