Oct 22, 2009

Naki Maile

Last Friday our good freind Naki Maile passed away very unexpectedly. For us he left a legacy of service, genuine kindness, and a love for his family that radiated whereever he went. I will honor you, Naki by trying to live by the example you set.

Naki was 32 years old. He left a beautiful wife and 6 daughters between the ages of 9 and 1. Their family has set up a fund for donations, and if any of you would like to donate, please do. No amount is too small.

Abby, our prayers for you will not cease for a very long time, and we are only able to stop the sadness and tears with comfort in knowing you will be united with your sweet husband in heaven and be together for eternity.

Here is their family blog:


Here is the fund:


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